List of TODO:

  1. Allow using integer keys to get items of BulkItem. Currently only string keys are allowed to be used to get default values.

  2. Allow assinging relational items using dictionary:

    some_item = SomeItem(
       # single item
       related_item = {
          "field_a": 10,
       # bulk item
       related_items = [
             "field_a" 1,
             "field_a" 2,
  3. Add support global defaults. For example, this will allow to easier track data coming from the same source (for example, web-site).

    Example usage:

    from save_to_db import Item
    class SomeItem(Item):
       # ... omitted code here...
       def get_global_default(cls, referring_item, referring_key):
          # ... omitted code here...
          return instance

    Another example:

    from save_to_db import ItemCollection
    # `collection_id=None` for not scoped items:
    collection = ItemCollection.get_collection_by_id(collection_id=None)
    collection.set_global_default(SourceItem(name = "default source"))

    Global defaults must be automatically assigned upon item process to all items that have x-to-one reference to the item class.

  4. Add support for encrypted fields.

  5. Use “context” variable during item processing and persistance.

  6. Solve empty model deleter bug (does not delete existing models as it does not know how to select them).