
Adapter exceptions

This module contains exceptions for AdapterBase class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.adapter_except.AdapterException[source]

Bases: Exception

General exception for AdapterBase class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.adapter_except.CannotMergeModels[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.adapter_except.AdapterException

Raised when merging two or more ORM models into one is impossible.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.adapter_except.MergeModelsNotAllowed[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.adapter_except.AdapterException

Raised when merging ORM models is forbidden.

Item class collection exceptions

This module contains exceptions for ItemCollection class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_collection.CollectionDoesNotExist[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_collection.ItemCollectionException

Raised when trying to get collection that does not exist using collection_id.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_collection.CollectionIdAlreadyInUse[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_collection.ItemCollectionException

Raised when trying to create new item class collection with collection_id value already taken.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_collection.ItemCollectionException[source]

Bases: Exception

General exception for ItemCollection class.

Item configuration exceptions

This module contains exceptions for Item class configuration. These exceptions are only raised when an item configuration is correct in its structure but cannot be used, for example, when a nonexistent relation is used. If, for example, a boolean value was used instead of a list, general exception will be raise when trying to deal with a boolean as with a list.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.DeleterSelectorsOrKeepersEmpty[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when trying to use ModelDelete with either selector_fields or keeper_fields empty.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.DeleterXToManyRelationUsed[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when trying to use x-to-many relationship as selector or keeper field.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.FieldsFromRelationNotAllowed[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when configuration variable contains fields referencing fields of a relations.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.InvalidFieldName[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when configuration uses model field name that has double underscores in it.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemAdapterNotFound[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when an adapter for a particular item class was not found during class setup.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError[source]

Bases: Exception

General exception for configuration of Item class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.MultipleRelatedItemsFound[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when:

  • A related item was specified using a string path with an item class name only and there are no such class in the referencing item module but more then one in other modules.
  • During auto configuration of Item relations, when more then one item was found for a specific model class.
exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.NonExistentFieldUsed[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when getters, creators, or nullables or any other configuration value contains field name that model_cls does not have.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.NonExistentRelationDefined[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when relation is set for a field that does not exist or is not a foreign key field in corresponding model.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.NorewriteKeyUsedTwice[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when same no-rewrite key used twice (trough tuples).

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.NorewriteRelationException[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when no-rewrite for a relationship set on both sides with different values.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.RelatedItemNotFound[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raised when:

  • A related item was specified using a string path but no item class was found using the path.
  • During auto configuration of Item class relations, when no item was found for a specific model class.
exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.UnrefNonXToManyFieldUsed[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_config.ItemConfigError

Raise when trying to use not x-to-many field as a key of unref_x_to_many dictionary of item configuration.

Item field usage exceptions

This module contains exceptions for ItemBase related to fields usage.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_field.BulkItemOneToXDefaultError[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_field.ItemFieldError

Raised when trying to assing an one-to-x default relationship value to a bulk item.


When trying to use as default item A with an x-to-one relationship with items B that we keep in bulk, that means that all items B going to referece item A, but item A can reverese refrence only 1 item B, this results in an exception.
exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_field.ItemFieldError[source]

Bases: ValueError

General exception for ItemBase field usage.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_field.WrongAlias[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_field.ItemFieldError, KeyError

Raise when wrong alias is used.

Item persistence exceptions

This module contains exceptions for ItemBase class related to persistence.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.CannotClearRequiredFieldInRelation[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.ItemPersistError

Raise when trying to clear one-to-many field using “replace_x_to_many” setting of item, but field is required on the other side.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.CannotMergeModelsForItem[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.ItemPersistError

Raised when merging two or more ORM models into one is impossible.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.ItemPersistError[source]

Bases: Exception

General exception for ItemBase persistence.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.MultipleModelsMatch[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.ItemPersistError

Raised when multiple models match the same item:

  • When allow_multi_update set to False for the item.
  • When trying to set multiple items to x-to-one relationship.
exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.PersistMultipleItemsMatch[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_persist.ItemPersistError

Raised when multiple items match the same model during persisting.

Item process exceptions

This module contains exceptions that are raised when there is an error during processing of an item.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_process.ItemProcessError[source]

Bases: Exception

General exception for processing instances of ItemBase class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_process.ItemRevertError[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_process.ItemProcessError

General exception for converting processed field values of instances of ItemBase class. into json encadable values

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_process.MergeItemsNotTheSame(item_one, item_two)[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_process.ItemProcessError

Raised when two items have the same values of one of its getter groups but not the same.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.item_process.MergeMultipleItemsMatch[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.item_process.ItemProcessError

Raised when multiple items match the same model during merging.


Even if two items contain the same data, they still considered different if there are other two items that point to them using one-to-x relationship and cannot be merged.

Merge models policy exceptions

This module contains exceptions for MergePolicy class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.merge_policy.MergePolicyException[source]

Bases: Exception

General exception for MergePolicy class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.merge_policy.ModelClsAlreadyRegistered[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.merge_policy.MergePolicyException

Raised when trying to add ORM model class to a merge policu twice.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.merge_policy.UnknownModelDefaultKey[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.merge_policy.MergePolicyException

Raised when trying to set defaults for merge policy using unkown default key.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.merge_policy.UnknownRelationFieldNames[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.merge_policy.MergePolicyException

Raised when trying to setup merge policy using unknown relation relationship field name.

Scope exceptions

This module contains exceptions for Scope class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.scope_except.ItemClsAlreadyScoped[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.scope_except.ScopeException

Raised when an already scoped item is scoped again.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.scope_except.ScopeException[source]

Bases: Exception

General exception for Scope class.

exception save_to_db.exceptions.scope_except.ScopeIdCannotBeNone[source]

Bases: save_to_db.exceptions.scope_except.ScopeException

Raised when trying to set Scope collection_id to None.